Have any questions?         Tel: 014 533 0036 / 0482    |         Email: info@tuscanypharmacy.co.za      


Tuscany Pharmacy opened their doors to the public on the 10th January 2006, with the goal of providing quality pharmaceutical care to all their patients. Tuscany Pharmacy stocks a wide range of natural health supplements, including SOLAL, METAGENICS, SOLGAR, MEDFORD as well as many compounded pharmaceutical products and bio-identical hormones along with a whole host of international sport supplement range, not easily found at other pharmacies.

Mohammed Carrim, Owner and Pharmacist on duty strives to offer patients an holistic approach on their road to wellness and healthy recovery from illness. To this end he is constantly researching, reading and obtaining new information on the latest therapies and treatment options for the controlling of various diseases and conditions.

The buzz word for the 21st century healthcare is FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE and Pharmacist, Mohammed Carrim, has taken a keen interest in attending conferences on best practices and applying these novel therapy approaches to disease management and cure. Future therapies include getting to the root cause of the disease as opposed to just treating the symptoms.

In line with this way of thinking we stand by our motto "WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH".

Tuscany Pharmacy is also the preferred provider for almost all medical aids. We look for ways to dispense medication according to medical aid formularies while endeavouring to limit or eliminate any levies payable by our clients.

We are proud to have received MED Xpress Status in the DISCOVERY MEDICAL AID network and care, as well as being approved to conduct vitality health checks and wellness screenings.

Almost all the big name medical aids including FedHealth, GEMS, Glencore, Medcheme, Keycare (Discovery), Keyhealth, Bonitas, Momentum, Hosmed, Commed, etc. have Tuscany Pharmacy as an approved medical AID provider for their patients.

Come and talk to us about how to save you money or reduce your levy co payments to zero when you collect your monthly prescription at Tuscany Pharmacy.

           Tel: 014 533 0036 / 0482    |         info@tuscanypharmacy.co.za ×